The story goes like this...
"Hey Kyle, do you want to draw my self-portrait?"
"Isn't it not your self-portrait if I'm the one drawing it?"
So I drew it (after a month and a half of procrastination.)
Tools: Paper, Techniclick .5 pencil. About 1.5 hours.
Simply Beautiful.
I will stand by and fight for 0.5 mm pencils forever.
Da Vinci-ness. I like it and it's nice.
hey its josue. first off your blogs are awesome.i especially like the one on how a person's only purpose is to stand there and make you late or annoy you. i liked the map to. second, im sorry. in all honesty its all i can say. you've been my best friends for the past 7 years and i thank you for that and i can honestly say that there hasnt been one day in those 7 years that i have not looked up to you or respected you. you've been my friend and role model. once again im sorry. i cant wait for you to come back wednesday.ive been looking forward to it for a very long while now. im sorry.
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