It's not like it has been a recent observation, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that people, if not actively trying to obstruct the mobility of others, are subconsciously drawn to do so. That was a complicated sentence, so let me clarify. Everywhere I go there are people. In the way. Whether I'm trying to traverse a hallway, exit a room, or dance down the stairs, there are people. These are not moving people, ready to get to their destination. These are not moseying people, enjoying the environment and taking their time. These are stationary obnoxious people, unaware of the needs and wants of others.
Alright. That's the ranting. My point is not to hate the people, rather, perhaps, the science that causes them to do so.
I propose that there are bonds and attractions that cause humans, whether as individuals or groups, to stop their movement in inconvenient places. Based on my observations, and backed by countless documented experimentation, I have found that much like the molecular bonds we learn of in science class there are distinct and supernatural bonds that are activated in key areas of a building between individuals, causing people to stop their movement.

First, the locations. There is a direct correlation between the most efficient places to completely prevent the flow of moving people and the place where immobile people are stopped. These places are:
1. In doorways
2. In the middle of tight hallways
3. In the middle of stairs
4. A combination of the above
Second, the methodology. As I have previously mentioned, this strange bonding of people to the ground can occur with individuals or as groups. The most common scenario being the multiple people. It occurs even more frequently between people who are either see each other very often (like a couple) or between long lost friends. These are the strongest of bonds, resulting in a stationary state for times in excess of five minutes.
There are isolated case however, that have shown a single person to cease movement and bind himself to the floor. Often, he or she will not decelerate, but will instantly come to a halt. To this day science has been unable to explain why this occurs.
Clearly these people are attracted to the floor and these inconvenient places by some natural and invisible force. I'm sure that it's tied to the laws of sociology, psychology, and obnoxicology. As my research continues I will be sure to keep you posted. Also, if you have any personal insight, do share.
It's amazing though that we are not causing a traffic scene in mid-air for if you had that coming airplanes would be suspended in mid air just because they saw a bunch of teenagers dancing on the "sky-floor." (lol)
Although, (going hypothetical) what if it is the psychology that makes the human individual or group to stop moving? The reasons behind these could be explained from different points of view, some include the obvious the others complex.
One of the points that I am going to target is “a single person to cease movement and bind himself to the floor. Often, he or she will not decelerate, but will instantly come to a halt.” It piqued my curiosity box for years as to why this also happens. Psychologically the human mind processes and stops when a person’s awake and asleep. If this person immediately stops, then the mind must have stopped processing a list of output commands to the person including walking. The mind then would “reverse gears” to reclaim the last action of that individual from a while ago. It could also bring about a flashback or perhaps a premonition depending on the situation. Going off-tangent for a second but in this person’s case it’s always both but the way it is seen the person suffers a tug-o-war effect for it pulls and pushes tightly causing suffering migraines and sometimes the victim faints. Another effect that people suffer from this instant halt is that they must have experienced an epiphany episode of their life. Though the significance of this matter is to be speculated for the value of this epiphany could be as shallow as the personality of the mind that thought of it or as deep as their relationship with God. Finally an effect that people suffer from this mental “stoppage” is considering this as a warning or takes it as a speculation. It is really the rarest of rare cases but the reason this person stops is their brains’ veins immediately snapped. These cases has been reportedly stated that this victim has been under heavy stress and the pressure of his/her mind has given its weight that the person stopped ceasing as person and has entered a “vegetative state” in some cases the person could just die.
Another point is the places where this individual or group stops immediately. It is interesting indeed especially if they ever stayed in the middle of the stairs.
We will start with your second location. It has brought to my attention that this group of individual stays in these places because it has that “sense of security” around them. Although in cliché with horror movies this is also the best place where they could be easily devoured, killed or violated in any shape of form or matter. They think that not one of them will separate from each other but bring them comfort to themselves.
In doorways though rules change, these individuals or group would exchange affections or confrontation occurs. Perhaps compromises are exchanged also. Other than that these fools don’t know how to tolerate themselves from moving at one location to the next. In these cases I call them a “sandbag(s)” depending on the number of bags standing. One who doesn’t have the capacity of actually moving and is heavy at the same time. There is no point of realization that this sandbag will be able to measure the importance of moving. Though, there are exemptions to these sandbags that will come to realization of moving. Exemptions that apply are when s/he has been killed; when someone has prepared (it doesn’t matter how it was prepared) food for that particular person or in some cases the group; in cases of some adults or college students the arrival of alcoholic beverages or attractive opposite members of the party.
The third location brings excitement and somehow it’s so depressing. After all, different schools from different countries came up with so many urban legends that say this person died because they were pushed off the middle of the stairs. It is an interesting yet cliché-ic material that bores the mind for it scares them. On the contrary, the people who stay in the middle of the stairs bring an idealistic imagery of the hierarchy these people have in common. Although at first glance it may not seem like it but if the person is standing at the very top of the stairs is considered as the ‘top dog’ and the next step down is his right-hand man and the list goes on. However, in some of the top-gangs the hierarchical idea is reversed because the one who is stepping at the very bottom of the stairs could be the leader. It is in this case also that if you stand on the middle mean that you are leader. Another idea is if the group is all standing in the middle then it means they treat each other equally.
Finally the last location which is the combination of the first three could only be described within these few sentences. “This people are a bunch of sandbags who know not of the idea that people have to also move because there’s always something to do. Although, I must apologize for standing still in there I might as well kick your back so that you may chase me but in the case that you don’t also, I might as well hit what’s in between your legs.” Just kidding.
After two weeks of silent observation, I can manifest the truth of Kyle's behavioral study. I would like to mention a few specific locations: Top of the stairs at the JFSB, between the detectors at the library, and in the skinny hallway passing in front of our lobby. That last one is usually okay because most of the time it is because a girl is talking to a guy, or multiple girls are talking to multiple guys. And frankly, anytime there are girls in May is a good time.
You write very well.
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