I've been kind of busy lately, with finals and... Halo. Anyways, Josue's comment has reminded me that I haven't updated my blog in quite a while, and I might as well grace you all with my talents and abilities.
This post is a triple threat, with Music, Art, and Rantings all force fed into a blender, poured into a baking pan and cooked on 350 for 40 minutes.
There have been some severe breakthroughs in musical genius-ness. I've made a good 5 or 6 more QUALITY pieces, and I'm thinking of adding vocals to one of them. Neat-O right? I'll have the new stuff up soon enough.
See above. I can scan some more stuff in and...
here it is:

I was thinking today about responsibility. Specifically about that old adage "What 'err though art do thy part." My first impression was, wow, that's random (to just think about,) but then I waxed profound. Whoever wrote that would be a famed reform rapper today. He would make
ridiculous word contractions (like Nelly (who is no good)) and rhyme, but would teach a valuable lesson to the impressionable young ones too... Awwww cute.
My mind quickly turned to more serious matters, as I was walking over to take a final. I realized that some jobs suck, but that people have to do them. I thought of my work at a Mexican restaurant name Mariposa (which means butterfly in Spanish... technically. It is more commonly used to call people gay.) I'm considering going back to work there, but realizing that I wouldn't be getting nearly as much money as I was getting there previously (due to wage cuts.) A bunch of my friends used to work there, but have quit due to their summer "needs" or various other reasons. I was fighting these random urges to be nice and "help them out" by returning to work there (I'm friends with the owners) until I realized that it's all about self interest really. They want quality workers who will work hard for the least amount of money.... but I want more money. They can't survive without the people who get stuck with the menial labor. Someone has to fill these jobs for the restaurant to survive. At the same time, it's too bad that those hardworking people have to get paid so little for their work. I guess what I'm trying to say is this: that it is important for everyone to work hard with the options they're given, but you often aren't tied to a specific role, in which case it is imperative to realize this and find a better one!
Finally... A surprise extra entry!
Dear Josue,
I too have enjoyed the many years that we have been friends. It's fun to think back on those times when you've tried to pull off ridiculous stunts, failed, but found out that you're essentially immortal. I've liked playing too many hours of video games with you, working on yards, and just hanging around. But this makes it sound like we are no longer friends, which isn't the case.
Josue, you are very much my friend, and I don't hate you. I do, however, have trouble leaving Emily without the protection of her older brother, and that goes for Beth and Marie too. Not being in the same home, or even in the same state with them has been incredibly hard because if anything happens and they need me, I'm too far away to make a difference. I get to spend one last summer with them, but my role as protective older brother has to evolve beyond immediate physical protection now. That being said, all I want is for Emily to do what she wants, and not be caught in any situation that she is uncomfortable in.
Love, Kyle
The End.
At my bike shop in Jacksonville, I am a valuable asset because I am fully trained and ready to work whenever. However, I have many things planned this summer: visiting relatives and friends before the mission, maybe a leader at scout camp, photography. Will the bike shop come before that? No. Will I work there for a month or so straight until my mind explodes so that I can quit with the money for a mission and enjoy the rest of my summer doing what I want? Yes. Life is a balance. How can we balance without balancing? We have to do things, lots of things, to find out what is necessary, fun, or a waste of time. As a hint, do what makes you happy. Really.
PS to those reading this-
Illegal and immoral things are not happy.
Your so good at drawing, but I guess you know that since you got most artistic in Highschool.
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