It's not like it has been a recent observation, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that people, if not actively trying to obstruct the mobility of others, are subconsciously drawn to do so. That was a complicated sentence, so let me clarify. Everywhere I go there are people. In the way. Whether I'm trying to traverse a hallway, exit a room, or dance down the stairs, there are people. These are not moving people, ready to get to their destination. These are not moseying people, enjoying the environment and taking their time. These are stationary obnoxious people, unaware of the needs and wants of others.
Alright. That's the ranting. My point is not to hate the people, rather, perhaps, the science that causes them to do so.
I propose that there are bonds and attractions that cause humans, whether as individuals or groups, to stop their movement in inconvenient places. Based on my observations, and backed by countless documented experimentation, I have found that much like the molecular bonds we learn of in science class there are distinct and supernatural bonds that are activated in key areas of a building between individuals, causing people to stop their movement.

First, the locations. There is a direct correlation between the most efficient places to completely prevent the flow of moving people and the place where immobile people are stopped. These places are:
1. In doorways
2. In the middle of tight hallways
3. In the middle of stairs
4. A combination of the above
Second, the methodology. As I have previously mentioned, this strange bonding of people to the ground can occur with individuals or as groups. The most common scenario being the multiple people. It occurs even more frequently between people who are either see each other very often (like a couple) or between long lost friends. These are the strongest of bonds, resulting in a stationary state for times in excess of five minutes.
There are isolated case however, that have shown a single person to cease movement and bind himself to the floor. Often, he or she will not decelerate, but will instantly come to a halt. To this day science has been unable to explain why this occurs.
Clearly these people are attracted to the floor and these inconvenient places by some natural and invisible force. I'm sure that it's tied to the laws of sociology, psychology, and obnoxicology. As my research continues I will be sure to keep you posted. Also, if you have any personal insight, do share.