Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Egads! A New Post.

Sweet. So I'm back in Florida and absolutely loving it. I definitely prefer the heat to cold weather. Anyways, I've been hearing a lot from people regarding my last post, specifically the Mariposa/ work stuff, so cool beans, thanks for reading. Along those lines, I'm hoping to improve my financial gain by working at Verizon, making 11 to 12 an hour on the phone... hopefully, fingers crossed.

In other news, I got WoW (thats World of Warcraft for you n00bs.) I currently have a level 19 Night Elf Shadow Priest. W00t.

Enough of that.

Unfortunately though, my long post last time may have given you false hopes regarding my incredible power to woo through words in long and elaborate sentences. This, however, will be proven wrong right.... now. Seriously, that's the update, I have nothing more to say, sorry to make you wait so long for nothing. (good stuff coming soon.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think u should work at verizon, but buy my knives!!!