Recently, in my aforementioned mission prep class in fact, we learned about a guy who put his testimony as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (what is commonly referred to as the "Mormon church" up on his blog. You can find that here:
I really like the idea. You see, the problem that I'm finding is that there is a lot of anti Mormon propaganda on this here internet. I am a strong believer in people being allowed their opinions (I myself have many opinions) and the internet is a valid place to vocalize and discuss these opinions. Unfortunately, when it comes to the LDS church, there is little debate between if the church is good or bad, which doctrines people agree with it, or other things of that nature. Rather, the "discussion" that pops up everywhere is just blatant flaming of the church. I don't understand why there's so much of that going on, but that's not really the matter at hand, the fact remains that there is a lot and it's unsettling.
That's where I as a Mormon come in. It isn't really my job to post ALL CAPS RESPONSES fighting what has been posted on youtube. It wouldn't make a difference for me to write furious posts to editorial authors. I will have little influence in those parts of the internet because the people posting anti-mormon literature and videos don't really care about my side of the story. The fact is, the people who post those sorts of things are convinced that they are right. To them, that is how the world is. They were probably taught as a child growing up, or as a member of another church organization, or as an avid internet browser that the Mormon church is bad. I on the other hand have grown up in the church. I have attended church very close to every Sunday since I was born (honestly, I end up missing like 2 sundays a year max.) This being the case, I am quite familiar with the church, and because of this I have a little insider knowledge. If I were to preach to you and state facts about the church, you could easily ignore me and deny what I say. Like I said, that is your choice, and I don't argue with it. However, I can share how the church has blessed my life, and the testimony I have that accompanies this.
I was born in August of 1989 and grew up under some of the most amazing people in the world, my parents. Going to church meetings and progressing by my age through church classes as I grew up I was familiar with many of the basic principles of the gospel. I sang children songs like "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam" and "Give Said the Little Stream." I learned how to be reverent and got to stand in front of others in my primary and show them that I knew how to be quiet and fold my arms. At eight I decided to be baptized and gained the companion of the holy ghost. At twelve I received the Aaronic priesthood and went home teaching with my father. I had the opportunity to serve others through various group service projects and through the Boy Scouts program. I went into the Temple and performed baptisms for the dead, allowing those that have passed from this physical world to be able to accept the gospel. I developed my testimony through earnest scripture reading, both of the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I developed a relationship with my heavenly father through prayer. And I developed a love of others through serving them. Now that I'm eighteen I'm at Brigham Young University. I have the awesome ability to take religion classes that mold me in my spiritual growth. And now I am preparing myself to be able to go on a two year mission for my Heavenly Father.
I have a testimony of my Heavenly Father. I have a testimony of Jesus Christ his son, my brother and my savior. I know that it is through the atonement that I can be forgiven of my sins and be allowed to enter into Heaven to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus, and with my family for eternity. I know that Jesus Christ prayed to our Father and took on the sins that I, and every other person on the earth, would commit and that he was then crucified by the very same people that he had asked God to forgive. I know that Jesus Christ performed miracles, that he fed those that came to hear him speak an endless meal of bread and fish, that he helped the blind to see, and the lepers to be healed, the sickly to be healthy, the crippled to walk, and that he raised the dead.
I have a testimony of the Holy Ghost, the third and physically separate member of the Godhead. That it is through the Holy Ghost that the gospel is able to go forth. That the Holy Ghost testifies to those that will listen of the truthfulness that is taught.
I have a testimony of Joseph Smith. That he actually did kneel in a forest and pray to Heavenly Father and Jesus for help on what church to join. That he was attacked by Satan, who attempted to prevent him from receiving revelation. That Joseph Smith actually saw and spoke to Heavenly Father and Jesus, who told him not to join any of the churches that Joseph Smith had been contemplating. I know that Joseph smith was the righteous vessel through which the same gospel that Jesus taught when he was on the earth was able to be restored to our day. That the God he taught and testified of was the same God that saved Jonah from the Whale, the same God that allowed Moses to free the Jews, the same God that protected Daniel from the lions, the same God that loves and watches over us today.
I have a testimony of living prophets. I know that we have not been left to our own devices in this period of time. That the same revelation that was given to messengers of God throughout history, is still around today. That this very day Thomas S. Monson is prompted by Heavenly Father on how to administer to this generation of people.
I have a testimony of the priesthood. That the power of God can be administered righteously through humble servants to accomplish what needs to be done on the earth. That through faith miracles can still be performed and received. That even today the sick can be healed and people protected by the power of Heavenly Father.
I know that temples are houses of God. That the buildings that are erected all over the world are more than just pretty stone, they are sacred places where the ordinances that need to be performed can be. That the marriages that occur in them are eternal and that families that are sealed can be together for all time in their righteousness.
I know that missionary work is an essential part of progressing the gospel that I am very excited to be a part of. I know that others can be blessed by knowing of the eternal plan of happiness that is the whole reason that we have come to this earth. That by choosing to come to earth and receive a body is one of the best choices we have ever made. That by trying as hard as we can to follow God's commandments and taking part in the atonement that we can be happy and that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father.
I know that I have loving parents that have cared for me so much and done their best with me in every aspect of my life. I know that I have beautiful sisters that are going to grow up and become even more amazing than they already currently are. I know the love I have for them and the love that they have for me is enormous, and yet pales in comparison to the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus have for all of us.
I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is built upon a sure foundation. That the principles and teachings that are taught by members of the church who receive revelation by the Spirit are true and can be found in the scriptures and confirmed by prayer.
I love the gospel, Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the eternal Plan of Salvation.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Feel free to comment. Ask questions. Be level-headed please.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008

So I added my music onto the page. Sorry that it autostarts but that's just how it has to be. I tried messing with the code to get it to not play until you told it to... it just didn't work. Not that I'm a web genius or anything. In fact, I'm far from it, I'm just really good at searching on google.
Anyways, listen to it. Tell me what you think.
And if you want to download them, then just go to that link.
Friday, February 22, 2008
First Post
So this blog has been started for one reason only. And that reason is that for mission prep I have to wake up at 6:30, go to bed at 10:30, and go a few days without:
TV (Not a problem)
Movies (I can handle that)
Video Games (Seriously?)
Music (I wept)
So far I've been doing fine. Then again, This is the first day, and it's only halfway through. One benefit of this missionary training is that I was able to do a BUNCH of reading for my classes, so I'm happy about that. An extreme downside, however, is that I can't play any video games or listen to music. That is a problem.
I'll get over it.
Now, this blog was started for one reason, but it will continue, thrive, and come to enlighten the souls of starving children in Africa for a few more reasons. These reasons include:
1. I'm gonna put drawings and junks up in hurr
2. I'm gonna put musics (techno masterpieces (or at least links to them)) on the blog
3. I'm Kyle. Nuff said
Also, the opportunity to mock and belittle me is made available to you through the comment system.
Therefore, all ye that are laden with hatred for he that is known throughout the land as Kyle of Florida, take ye up your keyboards and pour him out a scathing that shall be, and forever shall be, as salt unto his wounds.
TV (Not a problem)
Movies (I can handle that)
Video Games (Seriously?)
Music (I wept)
So far I've been doing fine. Then again, This is the first day, and it's only halfway through. One benefit of this missionary training is that I was able to do a BUNCH of reading for my classes, so I'm happy about that. An extreme downside, however, is that I can't play any video games or listen to music. That is a problem.
I'll get over it.
Now, this blog was started for one reason, but it will continue, thrive, and come to enlighten the souls of starving children in Africa for a few more reasons. These reasons include:
1. I'm gonna put drawings and junks up in hurr
2. I'm gonna put musics (techno masterpieces (or at least links to them)) on the blog
3. I'm Kyle. Nuff said
Also, the opportunity to mock and belittle me is made available to you through the comment system.
Therefore, all ye that are laden with hatred for he that is known throughout the land as Kyle of Florida, take ye up your keyboards and pour him out a scathing that shall be, and forever shall be, as salt unto his wounds.
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